Tuesday, April 24, 2007

SRK on Hollywood

While most actors look forward to making it big in Hollywood, SRK is not interested in Hollywood. He has been quoted on saying, “It is better to rule in hell than to serve in heaven, even if that (Hollywood) is considered heaven. I think they also make films as we do. I think I don’t pertain to that. I would rather make a good film here than to go to Hollywood." Indian cinema is where he got his start and it is home to him. Bollywood holds more value than Hollywood, and his try is to be and remain the best at home. However he has said that if he ever did go abroad, it would be to do respected roles and not be treated like a "brown Third World urchin." SRK does not believe in doing a foreign film just for the sake of being in a foreign film. He, on the other hand, would only do a film he felt was right for him.

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